Ampertaine Primary School

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Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Learning
  2. Accelerated Reader
  3. Team Readers



Our Xmas 2017 Team Reader competition began on 2nd November
with all readers in P4, P5, P6 and P7 taking part.
The teams were chosen by the AR computer software.

(The Xmas 2017 Team Reader competition ended at break time on the last full day of term. 


Books read this school year:  1 664
Words read this school year: 9 261 441
Words read so far this half term : 4 789 331

Team readers who reached last term's AR Target: 82%

Look at the team data below!!

Updated 1st January 2018,..Updated 1st January 2018...

2017 WINNERS!!!!          2017 WINNERS!!!!          2017 WINNERS!!!!             

The Words of Wisdom

Points Total: 194.7
Readers: 12
Average Points = 16.23 points per pupil

 Tom Buchanan
Nicole Graham
Rihanna Hamilton
Connor Kyle**
Ella McIlroy
Vance McKeown
Max Overend
Leon Peden
Rebecca Pollock
Bethany Grace Rainey**
Megan Shiels
Alex Smyth

2017 3rd Place Team    2017 3rd Place Team    2017 3rd Place Team    

The Rocket Readers 

Points Total: 156.1
Readers: 13
Average Points =  12.0 per reader

 Curtis Crawford**
Joshua Duddy
Hannah Elder
Kelsey Goodwin
Zara Hamilton
Emily Kempton
Brody Lamont**
Erin Lennox
Sarah Linton
Grace Malcomson
Ellie Michael
Robyn Shiels
Evie Wilson**


The Lively Librarians

Points Total: 133.6
Readers: 12
Average Points = 11.13 points per pupil

  • Adam Caskey
    Jason Clarke
    Thomas Gibson**
    Ellie Mae Graham
    Jonathan Graham
    Chloe Leacock
    Ryan Lynd
    Grace McCormack
    Aaron Neely
    Kirsten Scott
    Hannah Sufferin**
    Daniel Tomb


2017 Runners-Up      2017 Runners-Up      2017 Runners-Up      

The Book Buddies

 Points Total: 203.1
Readers: 13
Average Points=  15.62 per reader

Callum Alexander
Adam Bolton
Matthew Bolton
Ella Boreland ** 
Poppie Bruce 
Tammi-Lee Lamont 
Malcolm McAllister
Rhyley McCahon
Laura McLees  
Ella Mitchell
Adam Rainey**
Adam Rodgers
Erin Watt


The Ballistic Readers 

Points Total: 114.5
Readers: 12
Average Points= 9.54 points per pupil

 Sophie Burns**
Colt Crawford
Jak Crawford
Grace Darragh
Riley Gibson
Trevor Hunter
Abigail Kyle
Jack Kyle
Cameron McDonald**
Kori McKeefry
Adam Millar
Charlie Wilson



The Book Takers

Points Total: 124.7
Readers: 12
Average Points = 10.39  points per reader

Victoria Getty
Brooke Hall**
Matthew Kelso
Maya Kyle
Calvin McCahon
Matthew Neely
Millie Patrick
Ellen Rodgers**
Imogen Scott
Emily Sufferin
Matthew Sufferin
Sarah Jane Sufferin