Ampertaine Primary School

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94 Kilrea Road
Co. Londonderry
BT46 5SB

028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Learning
  2. Accelerated Reader
  3. AR Home Made Quizzes



The resources in this area are to be used when making up our own quizzes for books that are not included on the AR list. It is fantastic that we are able to make quizzes for books that we already own, receive as gifts or can buy in bargain shops, sales or second hand.

    Follow the easy steps to make your own quiz.
Don't be worried if you need to get your mum or dad to help.

Step 1...

Click on this link to download the blank quiz sheet that we have prepared for you.

Click here to download the blank quiz sheet

 Step 2.

Save the quiz sheet using the name of the book you are making the quiz for.

 Step 3...

Decide how many questions you would like. Normally this is 3, 5 or 10 depending on your age and your book.

In the spaces provided, write your questions and the four possible answers. The correct answer will always be the first one you put in for each question.
Answer 4 for question 1 should always have your name and date in it so we know who made the quiz.

Step 4

Save your quiz again.
If you are in school, save it to:
      public/AR/Home made quizzes

If you are at home, save it onto a memory stick and bring it to your teacher.


We will help you with the rest in school!