Year 2/3
Mrs.Wallace and Mrs Phillips
February News
Shared Education
Valentines Fun
Safer Internet Day
Autism Awareness:
January News
Core building games in PE:
Programming in ICT:
Emma's mummy told us all about how to fuel our bodies with all the right foods to keep us healthy. She left us 2 special plates to use as prizes. We tracked our diets for a week. Grace and Rose won the special plates!
November/December news
Christmas Fun
October News
Maths Week
Amazing Journey
Dyslexia Awareness
World Mental Health Day
September News
Everyone has settled into Room 2 really well again. We have enjoyed hearing about each other’s adventures during the summer break.
We have hit the ground running with our literacy and numeracy and are enjoying learning about the weather, Autumn and our new topic, Food.
It is turning into sneezy season, so if each family could donate a box of tissues to the classroom, we would be very grateful.
P2 and 3 in Room 2 have been busy revising the days of the week, months and seasons. They have done this with lots of different activities. These included IWB and IPAD games, card games, and activities in their workbooks. They have been encouraged to learn the date and month of their birthdays. Please look at calendars together and talk about the days , months and seasons and try to help your child read and remember these and know the order they come in.
Outdoor play
Maths Week
Operation Christian Child
Indoor play
Road Safety Week
Using Maths